Disclaimer: The opinions and beliefs expressed in this blog are my personal thoughts and do not reflect any position of the Peace Corps or the U.S. government.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RAR I'm a sick monster!


The past few days or week I think I've been sick with a bad cough. Today I felt more sick and everyone fussed over the reasons, mostly they said because I drank beer yesterday and this is terrible for you when you are sick. Supposedly I got sick in the first place from waking up early and going running when it's dusty outside and the air is cold. My host mom says that I should stop running, because getting up and running in shorts and a t-shirt when I'm not used to the cold air is bad for me, and then I come back and take a cold shower when my body heat is up. I don't feel any cold air at this point, I'm always warm! It makes me laugh when I hear all these random reasons why I'm sick and what I shouldn't do so I can recover. In our culture when someone is sick, you're sick. We still go to work unless we're dying, pound the cough meds and Tylenol, and even will keep going to the gym for the chance we'll "sweat it out". Anyways, today I stayed in my pjs like all day and thought I had a slight fever, so I relaxed did basically nothing. Alba came over and she said i scared her cuz I looked terrible and I popped out from the window when she walked up.

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